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Sunday, November 14, 2010

As you know there are like 3000 engineering colleges in India

  How many colleges do you think provides quality education?
the answer will be Quite Few...
It is not the year of establishment of the college that matters but its the quality of education it offers to the students.

Quality of eduction takes in several factors like
     Quality teaching by the professors
     Good library
     Useful Laboratories
      Information Exchanging center
     The atmosphere of the college
     All Extra Facilities

Last but not Least Imposing Practical Knowledge to the Students.

Its no use of teaching Formula`s and calculations without showing the actual content practically. 1000 pages of teaching is just vein without practical knowledge.

            What i mean is showing a gear wheel drawn on a board and showing a real gear is not the same.

 Students should recognize that the Laboratories are not for increasing their percentage but are for Gaining Practical Knowledge which stays as thumb impressions in their brains.